Natan Levy (@Natan_Levy) is a professional MMA fighter (4-0) with great following and a great approach to life. He is sharp, straightforward, and full of humor.
We are talking about building a solid social media presence, training routines, philosophy, transferable skills (from fighting to business and vice versa), motivation vs. discipline, and much more.
You might ask yourself how this relates to an MBA. Well, it doesn't. At least it doesn't relate to the academic part of the MBA. It does, however, touches the core of why I believe people should pursue an MBA, an academic degree, any education, or any major goals in life for that matter: drive, passion, adventurism. Or as Natan put it: "every man (or woman) has a mountain to climb".
Natan has been practicing martial arts for the past 15 years or so, but is actively pursuing his dream for some 7 or 8 years (since moving to Las Vegas and investing all of his time in the fight game). His 'single mindedness' approach to life is practical and inspiring, and actually made me think of how I can be more focused on my goals, and invest my time in a manner similar to how a professional fighter would.
For you 'building a personal brand' folks - check out his super active Instagram account, it's a good lesson in social media promotion!
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